Digital Fingerprinting & Notary of Dallas, Texas. Superior, expediant results when the results really matter!
Pricing Schedule For DFN Services :
- Notary is $6.00 per stamp. There is a $9.00 fee for meeting at the office.
- When perfoming Mobile services, there will be a trip fee. The fees are dependent on the time of day/night/traffic conditions, distance, and how much planning or urgency the appointment requires.
- Discount pricing is available for groups, corporations and special events. Please call for your special pricing.
- Fingerprint cards are provided at no additional cost.
Each person must present proper GOVERNMENT ISSUED photo identification:
1. Current State DL with photo and signature
2. Current State ID card with photo and signature
3. Federal Government ID card with photo and signature
PLEASE NOTE: Other forms of identification may be accepted for Notarizations, please call with any questions.
Passport Photos
Notary Service
10155 Plano Road, Suite 101, Dallas, Texas 75238
Contact Us